Version française

To sow bountifully
To sow cheerfully
2 Co.9, 6-10

In a manifesto explaining the reasons for establishing the Institute of the Precious Blood, as early as 1860, Mgr LaRocque wished above all to impart to the religious of the new community an interior spirit. He insisted at length, and finally condensed his entire message in three words: Fidelity,Constancy,Generosity. A call which corresponded harmoniously with Mother Catherine-Aurelia’s ardent SITIO.

SITIO - I THIRST ! Words spoken by Jesus on the cross become a mission for the Adorers of the Precious Blood. Each one must repeat such words of fire to herself and live them out, following in the steps of Mother Catherine-Aurelia of the Precious Blood.

1. Saint-Hyacinthe   22. Charlottetown
2. Toronto   23. Vancouver
3. Montréal   24. Winnipeg
4. Ottawa   25. Régina
5. Trois-Rivières   26. Nasu
6. Brooklyn   27. Mont Laurier
7. Portland (Oregon)   28. Portland (Maine)
8. Sherbrooke   29. North Bay
9. Nicolet   30. Peterborough
10. Manchester   31. Pembroke
11. La Havane (Cuba)   32. Hamilton
12. Lévis   33. Calgary
13. Joliette   34. Bellevue
14. London   35. Saint-Paul (Alberta)
15. Saint-Boniface   36. Lafayette
16. Prince Albert   37. Amos
17. Sienhsien (Chine)   38. Nelson
18. Rome   39. Watertown (NY)
19. Edmonton   40. Eagle River (Alaska)
20. Alexandria   41. Kagoshima
21. Gravelbourg   42. Chambly

"The mysterious Sitio which the Divine Crucified One breathed from the height of His cross, has found an echo in my poor heart. I have meditated upon it, I have relished it, I have understood it; and, in turn, I have cried out in ardent transports: ‘I thirst!’

"If they are truly contemplatives,
she writes, God will grant their souls divine wings to let them fly as Angels to wherever the interests of their Beloved might call them".

Thus can be explained the genesis of the numerous foundations. Eleven of them are attributed to Mother Catherine-Aurelia, others are due to various monasteries.

On January 5, 1879, Mother Catherine-Aurelia expressed to Mgr Louis-Zéphirin Moreau a wish that there be, as she expected, a new form of government -a Generalate. Only in 1945 would it be possible to establish such a Generalate.

Later, on September 9, 1949, a Generalate was also established for our English-speaking Sisters in Canada. Since our monasteries in the United-States preferred a Federation, they were granted that choice on October 16, 1968, whereas our two Japanese monasteries in Kagoshima and Nasu remain autonomous to this day.

"Whether the new form of government be called ‘Generalate’ or by any other name, no matter - said Mother Catherine-Aurelia – but all the monasteries, however, must entertain relations with the founding monastery and receive its visits, in order that the same spirit be maintained ".

To have the same life-blood flowing into each member of our Institute : "a common life-blood and a common soul", such was her ardent desire.

How often the words of Gn 12,8 have been materialised in the main development of the Institute:

"There, he built an altar to the Lord
and invoked His NAME"

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